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Julia Wolkoff

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Jonathan Gardner

Two nearly identical young women with bobbed red hair sit before a large standing mirror in a room carpeted in jungle green. One of them perches on a divan, holding a telephone away from her ear. Her…

Keegan Monaghan

The interminably nosy among us felt right at home in “You decide to take a walk,” Keegan Monaghan’s solo debut at On Stellar Rays. The show’s title work, the lone sculpture, stood in the center of the…

Heidi Hahn

The women who inhabit the nine vibrant, introspective paintings (all 2015 or 2016) in Heidi Hahn’s exhibition “Bent Idle” embody an array of emotions, their demeanors both infectious and startling. In

Tauba Auerbach

One recent afternoon I stood dumbly looking down at a low blue table laden with 3-D-printed objects fastidiously arranged by Tauba Auerbach. Black, white and gold forms might have been machine parts…

Hilary Harnischfeger

There is something duplicitous about licorice allsorts. The English sugar candies delight the eye with their fluorescent-colored stripes and dots, but can taste surprisingly medicinal. The pretty, tre…

