Episode 7: Rewriting the Marketing Playbook for 2020 & Beyond | Sindhu Biswal

Episode 7: Rewriting the Marketing Playbook for 2020 & Beyond | Sindhu Biswal

About This Episode

Sindhu Biswal is the Senior Growth Marketer at Pocket Aces – the parent company of FilterCopy, Dice Media, Gobble, and Loco. Prior to Pocket Aces, he played a pivotal role in app and event marketing at Paytm Insider. Sindhu was also one of the founding members at Dogether – India’s first peer to peer social platform.

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EngageCast By WebEngage · Special Edition | Episode 07- Sindhu Biswal, Sr. Growth Marketer at Pocket Aces

In this episode:

Priyam: How has COVID impacted your industry and you, as a professional?

Sindhu: Pocket Aces functioning solely on the digital platform has seen a spike in user base to a great extent. We are already overwhelmed with the astounding increase in the number of viewers.

→ In terms of my job role, there is not much effect on the amount of work that I do. However, the value of my work has seen a huge rise.

→ Job roles have tremendously enhanced for non-digital marketers. They all need to have a basic knowledge of marketing in the digital aspect, with a growth mindset.

→ There is a change in budget allocation for different marketing mediums pertaining to the background of new users flowing in.

Priyam: What changes in the marketing strategies would you like to bring post-COVID?


→ On the Content Marketing front, we have adapted to the situation quite amazingly. We started a series called ‘Love in the Lockdown’, shot completely indoors. We managed to partner with ‘Bumble’ to release the series.

→ On the user targeting aspect, we are using various features of different platforms like Facebook which now allows us to segment users who are in ‘long-distance relationships’.

→ We haven’t pushed up our marketing budgets to an awfully huge figure. But the efficiency of the returns of expenditure has undoubtedly risen.

→ We are rather focussing more on the supply side of the business. The demand is increasing autonomously for us and we need to keep the new supplies active to meet the right balance.

Priyam: How are you looking after the user-retention goals for Pocket Aces?


→ For user retention, the major avenue to master is the branding of your company. We have our highlighted brand positioning for Dice Media and Filter Copy and we are scrambling to create top content for the viewers to fulfill their set expectations.

→ We are trying to be sympathetic and humanize the messages we deliver to our consumers across channels.

Listen to the full episode to understand how Pocket Aces had adapted to the sudden upsurge in demand.

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Sindhu Biswal Senior Growth Marketer, Pocket Aces

Sindhu Biswal is the Senior Growth Marketer at Pocket Aces - the parent company of FilterCopy, Dice Media, Gobble, and Loco. Prior to Pocket Aces, he played a pivotal role in app and event marketing at Paytm Insider. Sindhu was also one of the founding members at Dogether - India's first peer to peer social platform.



Priyam Jha Lead - Brand Marketing, WebEngage

Priyam looks after Brand Marketing at WebEngage, learning the ropes of building iconic brands in the B2B space. He is striving to develop EngageCast into the leading podcast for user retention & engagement with cutting-edge, top-quality content. When he isn't busy looking after brand marketing & PR initiatives, he likes to dabble in a bit of photography, listen to rock music, and indulge in PC gaming.