Episode 6: Rewriting the Marketing Playbook for 2020 & Beyond | Vibhu Bhushan

Episode 6: Rewriting the Marketing Playbook for 2020 & Beyond | Vibhu Bhushan

About This Episode

Vibhu Bhushan and his two co-founders started Gradeup – India’s leading test-prep platform in late 2015. Along with being the Chief Product Officer at Gradeup, Vibhu looks after growth and marketing strategy. Previously, he co-founded Nogle Technologies – an online content sharing portal.

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EngageCast By WebEngage · Special Edition | Episode 06- Vibhu Bhushan, Co-Founder & CPO at GradeUp

In this episode:

Priyam: What is the impact of COVID on the EdTech industry?

Vibhu: EdTech is one of the few lucky verticals to rise at this time of the pandemic.

→ Students have no other choice but to adopt these online platforms.
→ It showed a tremendous boom in tier-2 & tier-3 cities where students witnessed high-quality teaching staff mostly for the first time in their lives.
→ The adoption numbers are going up, no doubt. We are trying to reset our targets for all the good metrics.

Priyam: Are there any changes that you are crafting in the product seeing such an upsurge in demand?

Vibhu: We have a large class model. When it comes to higher classes, the strength of the batch ranges from 700 to 1000.

→ The further increase in the number of students made us increase the number of batches for uniform user experience.

→ The product is showing more classes and courses to accommodate the augmented user-base.

Priyam: What are the changes in the marketing strategy you have adopted?

Vibhu: For us, the acquisition cost has gone down by 40%. It is way opposite to the other industries where cash constraint is the biggest challenge. So, we are doubling down on our marketing initiatives.

→ The main issue for us is the supply side of the business. We are trying hard to onboard more and more high-quality teachers and mentors. The demand is at its ultimate boom, and supply needs to cope up with it.

Priyam: How do you think the impact on the EdTech industry is going to change post-pandemic?

Vibhu: Earlier, there was merely a 2% share of the online education business in the education industry. And even if there comes a portion of students going back to the offline setup, it’ll still go up to 12% of the market share. This is still a significant impact compared to the situation that COVID didn’t happen at all.

Check out the full episode to gain actionable insights and learn strategies that Gradeup adopted to manage the incoming demand.

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Vibhu Bhushan Co-founder and Chief Product Officer, Gradeup

Vibhu Bhushan and his two co-founders started Gradeup - India's leading test-prep platform in late 2015. Along with being the Chief Product Officer at Gradeup, Vibhu looks after growth and marketing strategy. Previously, he co-founded Nogle Technologies - an online content sharing portal.



Priyam Jha Lead - Brand Marketing, WebEngage

Priyam looks after Brand Marketing at WebEngage, learning the ropes of building iconic brands in the B2B space. He is striving to develop EngageCast into the leading podcast for user retention & engagement with cutting-edge, top-quality content. When he isn't busy looking after brand marketing & PR initiatives, he likes to dabble in a bit of photography, listen to rock music, and indulge in PC gaming.