Plix's Potent Potion: Data Empowered RoAS Triumph in the Nutri-Health Jungle

  • 10 Aug 2023 | 1 hr 3 mins Podcast

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Dive into the 21 episode of the State of Retention Marketing podcast, hosted by Ankur Gattani, VP – Growth & Marketing, WebEngage. Our guest for this episode is none other than Rishubh Satiya, the CEO & Co-Founder of Plix, who takes us through the brand’s thrilling growth story.

Picture this: a potent blend of ambitious dreams, a dash of entrepreneurial spirit, and an unshakable obsession with data, math, and achieving those satisfying positive ROAS figures. And the result? Well, it’s what catapulted Plix into a whopping INR 150 Crore ARR business in just 4 years!

But there’s more to the tale. It’s not just about profits and revenue. It’s about the art of content, the secret sauce of retention, and the magic of unit economics.

So, tune in as we chat with Rishubh Satiya and unveil the inside scoop on how Plix carved its path to success.

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