Bet on your Real Money
Gaming players
the right way

Grow your Real Money Gaming business with us

Nudge new players

Nudge new players to quickly realise the AHA moment of your app

The sooner your new users realize the aha moment of your app, the prolonged their stay will be; positively affecting a number of your bottom-line metrics, and therefore, revenues. This requires eliminating unnecessary frictions from your onboarding and nudging them towards activation, via relevant communications.

Offer seamless user experience

Offer seamless user experience while upgrading from free to paid apps

Migrate players’ progress, data, trained models and preferences automatically and ensure they have a smooth transition from your free to paid app. This would also be a sign of your casual gamers turning to loyal players, whom you could then nurture to be your brand advocates and bring some word of mouth growth for you.

Offer inspiration and send real time updates

Offer inspiration and send real time updates as the games progress

Stimulate your “always on the lookout for better odds” gaming fraternity towards greater engagement levels through gamification elements (leaderboards, badges, coins, etc) and real time progress updates. These act as great pull factors to up your player activity and also boost your customer lifetime.

Enable cross-channel reminders

Enable a cross-channel communications strategy to boost app stickiness

For games, contests & tournaments are great at getting users back on the platform (improving retention) as well as increasing deposits. And a cross-platform communication strategy will prevent you from leaving substantial revenues on the table by complying with the needs of a preferential userbase.

Segment users to build delightful referral campaigns

Use the power of segmentation to solve your acquisition woes

Referral campaigns directly help with new signups & increased LTV. Successful referrals mean increased competition & a closed community - both boon for games. Bring a segmented approach to your referrals (top-grossing, most active) & target at the right time with the right message to enable a growing list of successful referrals.

Make the most of the features available on the WebEngage marketing automation platform

Multi-channel Engagement

Understand engagement trends across different categories, times of day and channels like Mobile Push, Email, WhatsApp, Facebook, SMS and more!

Product Analytics

Analyze user behaviour and get product usage insights in the form of events, segments, funnels, cohorts, uninstalls and real-time stats.

Campaign Analytics

Use a highly intuitive drag & drop interface to map user workflows to lifecycle campaigns.

Journey Designer

Understand engagement trends across different course modules and times of day

Campaign Localization

Adapt your message’s content and delivery as per your user’s timezone, language, currency & preferences.

Customer Retention

Track the complete customer journey and encourage customers to return to your app via timely and personalized communication

Riveting growth stories from our EngageCast channel

Some bold & some outright crazy narratives, from the practitioners themselves!

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Why Gaming businesses choose WebEngage

Quick and Easy Integration

Refer to our highly effective integration playbook to complete your integration and set up WebEngage within no time.

Seamless Onboarding

Work with our team of onboarding specialists at every stage of onboarding until you go live with your first campaign on WebEngage.

Superior Customer Success

Leverage our experienced customer success team to brainstorm highly effective marketing solutions relevant to your business needs.

Dedicated Support & Service

Have a query or need more information about our product or services? Our support team is available 24*7 to help you resolve your queries instantly.

Build your Gaming business with us

After several brainstorming sessions with our customers, we come up with ideas that align with their goals and support their future business growth.

Aswin Ravi
AVP, Customer Services & Implementation

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The Gaming Master Pack

A 4-in-1 collection to help you scale up your Gaming user engagement and retention

Download Master Pack


Enterprise Customers

400 Million

Users Tracked Monthly

75 Billion

Events Tracked Monthly

15 Billion

Messages Sent Monthly

1+ Million

Cross-Channel Campaigns

300 Million

Users Engaged Monthly

Take the next step. Build more meaningful relationships with your players.